The Project

Because Josiah’s sensory processing disorder (SPD) is so severe, his world has become very small. He attends school for 45 minutes each weekday, because it is all that his senses can tolerate before becoming completely overwhelmed. And this is only possible because his wonderful and loving teacher works with him one on one and uses a type of therapy that incorporates the use of food reinforcers and preferred activities every few seconds to minutes.  He comes to church with us for about 15 minutes each Sunday before he leaves with his Meemaw so that Jeremy and I can attend one service together. That 15 minutes can seem like forever when he is overwhelmed. At this point, he can make it one fast lap around the perimeter of Target, and this is only possible because he knows he gets candy at the end. We also try our best to go to soccer games at the school where his siblings attend. But this requires him to be pushed in his stroller around the field and away from people the entire time. Often he just can’t tolerate the environment. When we take him to the doctor, the visits are kept very short, and at times his pediatrician has graciously come to the van to treat Josiah so that we can avoid going into the building. These are the only activities that Josiah can tolerate in the community.  

One of the very few things that calms Josiah is swimming. For the past three years, we have taken him to our local aquatics center every week day. Being in the pool has helped calm Josiah’s senses which help his anxiety, hyperactivity, and insomnia. He also learned to swim which is very important for children with Autism. The leading cause of death for kids like Josiah is drowning due to seeking out water when they elope (run away). Sadly, last year Josiah started rejecting the pool shortly after arrival. He would panic and would request to leave by pulling us to the door. The environment just became too overwhelming. Upon the advice of our behavioral therapist, we stopped forcing him to go to the aquatics center.  (This video shows the significant amount of energy that Josiah is able to expend while in the pool. Exerting himself in this way calms the senses.)

When Josiah becomes very over stimulated and agitated, he becomes self-injurious and at times aggressive. He will beat the back of his head against the floor. He will smack his face until it is covered in bruises, petechial hemorrhage, and his eyes sustain broken blood vessels. He has put his head through four windows at our home when in the midst of severe meltdowns. The only things that help calm Josiah during these severe meltdowns are swimming and taking rides in our van. Since swimming has no longer been available on a daily basis for Josiah, the only means for calming him has been van rides. In the past year and a half, we have put close to 65,000 miles on our van. This lifestyle is just not sustainable. We know we have to do something to help Josiah better manage his sensory processing disorder and to improve his quality of life. Our hope is that you will consider partnering with us to raise the funding necessary to help our boy.

This endeavor will provide the funds necessary to complete a two phased project at our home.


Phase 1 of the project will be to enclose our existing carport to create a therapy room for Josiah. Currently, when Josiah is at home, our other five children have to go to the back of our house behind closed doors to cut down on all noise. Even whispers can disturb Josiah. This therapy room will provide a soundproof area for Josiah to enjoy activities that help calm his senses. We will have a trampoline and his therapy swings in the room along with other objects that Josiah finds calming. The biggest benefit to the this room is that it will provide a silent place for Josiah to go when he is overwhelmed. This will hopefully go a long way to helping him maintain calm and will also help him avoid having to go on constant van rides in order to find peace.

This phase of the project will cost about $15,000.


Phase 2 of the project will be to install an in-ground in-door pool that Josiah can access year around. This pool would be installed directly beside the new therapy room. The type of pool we are hoping to purchase is referred to as a “play pool” as opposed to a “diving pool.” Play pools only go to about 5.5 feet deep. This would provide the perfect environment for Josiah to walk and swim. Our hope is to purchase an Aquashield pool enclosure that will attach to the side of the therapy room. This enclosure will allow Josiah to utilize the pool on a consistent basis year around no matter what the weather is like outside.

This phase of the project will cost about $45,000.

This video shows an example of the Aquashield enclosure.

We realize that raising $60,000 is a HUGE undertaking, but we also know that this project will have life-long benefits for Josiah.