Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Sensory Issues and Five Ninja Brothers

Holidays are particularly hard for kids who have Sensory Processing Disorder. SPD is very common in kids who have Autism, and Josiah's sensory issues are very severe and complex. Celebrating Fall and Halloween with festivals and Trick or Treating is almost impossible, but we try. We try to help Josiah manage his sensory needs and we try to never push him to the point where he becomes self injurious. But we feel it is important to try our best to include him whenever possible. 

This year our boys dressed like Ninjas! Jalen and Jason seemed especially excited about matching. Judah thought Jason was adorable, and Jack was such a good sport and happily dressed like his younger brothers. He said, "They love matching me so I figured it was ok." So I snipped the ribbons off of a pair of ninja pants and put them and a silky black shirt on Josiah, and, with that, we had our fifth Ninja. You can tell by the pictures that it is so very hard for Josiah to gather himself in order to be included. But he tried hard. And his brothers were very still and quiet so that we could snap a few pictures. 

Jo didn't go to any doors for candy, but his sister Olivia graciously took his bag to each door. And Jo rode in a wheelchair that my parents have for him. He finds comfort and security sitting in his wheelchair and stroller, and it is much safer to have him contained when in public due to his risk of flight or running away. Josiah made it almost the entire way with our family, but became too overwhelmed near the end. So Meemaw took him back to the house quickly. 

Josiah with some of his cousins. :)

It's been a challenging few weeks, and it was nice to have a good night overall! 

I don't know how to sufficiently thank everyone who is helping us change Josiah's life for the better. This therapy room and therapy pool will help us much more effectively treat Josiah's sensory issues. The outpouring of love and financial support has been more encouraging and uplifting than I can possible convey! If you haven't taken the time to read Josiah's story, please do. He is a precious gift to our family, and we know that God is using his life to bring about His good will and purposes. Please consider helping us accomplish this goal for Josiah! Our goal of $60,000 is huge, but God is proving Himself faithful to accomplish this, and He is using so many of you to help our sweet boy! 

Please share our story, follow our website for updates, like our Facebook page, and give. 

Forever grateful!

Josiah's Cousin Joel and Brother Jason

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