Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Time Change 

My Mama has often said, "The person who created time change obviously didn't have special needs children!" I couldn't agree more. Time change was always something I enjoyed. Do you remember when you were a kid and your teacher would move all the desks in class? Time change always gave me that same feeling of excitement and newness. I felt this way even after Olivia and Jack were born. But then I became a special needs mother and realized how horribly time change affects these kids. I will say that so far Josiah has done better this year than he has in the past, but we all agreed yesterday that the change is catching up to him. He spent from 12:30-7:00pm riding in the van with just a few pit-stops back at the house that only lasted a couple of minutes before he needed to go again. And he was so sad! 
This is a precious picture of Josiah watching his Papa's
soccer team compete at the state championship.

Jeremy and I agreed that we would not post pictures of Josiah on the blog when he is exceptionally upset or pictures of the damage he has done to himself after episodes of self injury. We want to share his story, but still protect him by not sharing too much. But, suffice it to say, these times of sadness and self-injury break our hearts and leave us longing to find a way to help our son. And that is why we are doing this fundraiser. It's why we are pleading for your help. Having a therapy room and therapy pool for Josiah to access whenever he needs to will make a tangible difference in Josiah's life. It will help us comfort him better in times of sadness, and it will help us prevent episodes of self-injury by giving him the environment that has proven to be most calming for him. 

We cannot thank those who have given enough! We have been encouraged so much by the progress that we have seen so far! We have a ways to go to get to our goal of $60,000, but we believe we will get there. We are making progress not only by the individual gifts that have been given, but by several fundraisers and profit shares that friends have hosted for Josiah. Every gift and every fundraiser counts!!!! We have had friends host an estate/yard sale, a bake sale of Crystal's Cupcakes, and a profit share event at All That Jas. We have several fundraisers going right now, and we have several more to come. 

Our friend Darla is hosting a Norwex profit share event for us. Norwex is a fabulous product! You can place an order online, and 35% of the profits will go to Josiah's fund. Check out the Norwex products and place your order by following this link: 

My college friend Jennifer is hosting a 31 profit share party for us. We love 31 bags! You can place an online order here, and 25% of the profits will got to Josiah's fund.…/shop/Party/EventDetail/9571466 

Thank you again to everyone who has given to help Josiah and our family. God is using you to encourage our family in a tremendous way!

Forever grateful,


*Important Update: When you give online via PayPal, you follow this link ( to our church website. The church has graciously added a tab under the "designation" section that now says "Verroi Fundraiser." We hope this will make giving a little less confusing. :)

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