Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Our Joy

February is a meaningful month in our family. Its the month that Jalen's mother Lolita gave birth to him. I'm choosing to share her name here, because it is important to me that you put a name to this person who means so much to us. Describing her simply as "birthmother" seems to simplify her life down into this one moment where she pushed Jalen from her body. But, the truth is, what she did was something that 60 million other US mothers have not done: She chose LIFE! She went to an abortion clinic. She met with a doctor. He told her that aborting Jalen was the right option for her. The day of her scheduled abortion, she walked out. A few months later when Jalen was born, she chose to set aside her wants and desires for the sake of what was best for Jalen. She chose adoption. And, in doing this, she entrusted us with the privilege of loving and caring for him as our own. Her heartache became our joy. 

We had found out two weeks before getting the call about Jalen, that Josiah most likely had Autism. Little did we know that Jalen too would be diagnosed with this disorder at 18 months old. I would be lying if I said that we never once questioned God's plan in this. I think Jeremy would freely admit that it was particularly difficult for him. But God has taught us much through this little boy. 

This first video shows Jalen just a few months from turning four. He had no language at the time. One day, when I was in the kitchen, he started singing for the first time ever. It wasn't easy to understand, but I instantly recognized the tune. "Behold. Behold. I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hear my voice and will open, open, open the door, I will come in." What a sweet sound this was to our ears! 

Since that day, Jalen has made huge strides in his development. But he is still very severely affected by his Autism. One of his precious teachers once described him as a "Maserati stuck in a traffic jam." He is super smart just like the Maserati sports car is super fast. But that speed is rendered almost useless if the car is stuck in a traffic jam. Jalen's Autism is the traffic jam, and it keeps his brilliant mind confined and fixating on his own little world. He is happy there, but there is a big beautiful world with wonderful people in it that we want him to join and enjoy. 

This fundraiser is for Josiah, but it was important to me to share more about our sweet Jalen this week. He will benefit greatly from the therapy pool as well. It will calm the sensory issues he has. And it will help to calm his hyperactivity. Swimming is also very important for his safety since he is prone to elopement. 

Josiah's therapy room will also mean big changes for Jalen. When Josiah gets upset or needs silence, our other children have to go behind closed doors in the back of our house. Jalen often has to be corrected for being too loud around Josiah. Have you heard the old saying, "If Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!" Well, that is true in our house, but (more than Mama) "If Josiah ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!" Jalen will be a lot more content and happy and calm if Josiah is content and happy and calm. If Jalen doesn't have substantial developmental gains before adulthood, we will be caring for these boys together for the rest of their lives. We want them both to have joy and the best quality of life we can possibly give them. 

I write Jalen's mother Lolita every year on his birthday. I send pictures as well. And I thank her for giving us the privilege of loving and caring for Jalen. I thank her for allowing me to be his mother. And I convey with tremendous sincerity that "Jalen is Our Joy!" 

Because of HIS Amazing Grace

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