Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Trust in the Lord

Twenty-two years ago today, my Papa Johnson passed away very suddenly. He was the first person that I ever deeply loved who died. I was in ninth grade at the time. So much has happened in the years since his death.

My Papa wrote me this letter when I was very young. I can picture him sitting in our living room. There was quiet music playing in the background. I was curious about what he was writing that morning as he drank his coffee. He just kept giving me little glances and smiles, and then he folded this sweet note into a small square, wrote my name on the outside, and handed it to me. I knew even then that I would keep it forever. 

How fitting that God brought me a fine young man that indeed wrote me many "sweet nothings" like the ones my Papa wrote my Grandmother. And He gave us six beautiful children. I often wonder what my Papa would think of this family of mine. While I never would wish him back to this world, I do wish my children could have known him. And, as my Mama (his only little girl) told me this morning, his sudden passing was such a precious gift in that my Papa never suffered. But the sudden loss left a deep wound in those he left behind. A wound that won't be fully healed this side of Heaven. 

I often wonder if he would be proud of me. I know there are so many areas in my life that are lacking Christ-likeness, but I pray that, what meant the most to him, is evident in my life. I have often thought about what my Papa would think of Josiah. What wise council would he have to give me?  In our family, most people connect my Papa with the Bible verses Proverbs 3:5-6. He always quoted them around the table before or after eating. I never hear these verses without thinking of him, and without reminding myself of the importance of their message:

I think, if I could talk with him about Josiah right now, he would remind me of these verses. 
I think he would tell me, "Just keep trusting Jesus, Chrissy." 

I love you, Papa! Thank you for loving me and for pointing your family to Jesus! 

Please continue to pray for our boy. He is struggling greatly right now. 

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