Friday, March 17, 2017

Friday Funding Update:
March 17, 2017

First, let me start with our current total!!! I realize that I tend to way over punctuate, but one exclamation point just doesn't nearly convey enough excitement sometimes!!!!! Our current total is $48,698.69!
We are so close to $50,000! And that means we are almost within $10,000 of reaching our $60,000 goal! Forgive me! I know most people don't need me to break down the math quite so thoroughly, but I'm just trying to wrap my own brain around how close we actually are! This is amazing! And all I can say is Praise the Lord and Thank You to all who have given!!!!!

Let me tell ya folks! The reality that this is actually happening for Josiah started to set in more this week. We met with our awesome pool and construction team on Wednesday morning, and the planning has officially started! A HUGE shout out to our team: 
Foust Pool Construction and LaTour Electric!
We can't thank them enough for all the time and effort they have put in to helping us advocate and to helping us make the absolute best choices for Josiah! 

Will you help us reach our goal? We have had so many people give, and making a donation is a wonderful way to help us! We have also had a lot of people host their own fundraisers for Josiah. If you have an idea for a fundraiser that you could host, we would LOVE to have your help! We are praying that the Lord will continue to bless our efforts and that the last $11,301.31 can be raised quickly! 

Please don't forget about our Pool Party on April 1st from 10am-12pm at the Maynard Aquatics Center! We are hoping to sale enough tickets to have 100 swimmers. Each ticket is $10! If you would like to come and support us that day but are not interested in swimming, PLEASE COME! We will have pizza, drinks, and baked goods for sale to help us raise even more funding for Josiah! We still have several tickets available for purchase so please reach out to anyone in our family to purchase a ticket or email me at! 

Jaon and Josiah in a sweet moment of play. 
I mentioned in my last post that Josiah is very off. Our family, his support staff, and his wonderful teacher Miss Beth have all been brain storming to try and figure out what is going on. Josiah has not left the house since last Saturday at lunch time. That is almost six straight days at home with NO van rides. This is unheard of for him! There have been a lot of changes this past month: illness, medication changes, getting an awesome golf cart, etc. But we really aren't sure exactly why this dramatic change has occurred. I realize that this sounds like a really good thing, but, like is so common for kids similar to Jo, he is still living in extremes. Instead of riding all the time, we now can't get him to leave the house at all. No school. No church. No Papa and Meemaw's house, No community. And he is pretty much swinging all day long. Please continue to pray for him and for us. He needs a silent environment, and that is very hard to provide with five other children in the house. The two year old and his other brother who also has an AU diagnosis drive him absolutely bonkers at times. 

With Josiah staying home for such a long time, it has made us realize yet again how helpful this therapy room and therapy pool are going to be. And how truly needed they are for the purpose of increasing his safety and improving Josiah's quality of life.

Thank you for helping our boy!

Because of His Grace,


*Here is a sweet video of Jason trying to love on Josiah. Please excuse the two year old's droopy diaper. Trust me, after over 14 straight years of diapers (often 3 kiddos at a time), we get the good out of each one! 

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