Friday, March 31, 2017

Friday Funding Update:
March 31, 2017

What a gracious God we serve! We praise His name! We praise Him during our times of trial. And we praise Him during times like these.....Times when He is doing "exceedingly abundantly above all that we could ask of think."

The pool construction begins this coming week. Lord knows I am telling the truth when I say I could have never ever imagined that this would be happening so soon! David Foust from Foust Pool Construction has been a joy to work with. We cannot say enough about how thankful we are for his efforts to help us!

My brother Jonathan has a whole slew of friends who are helping us get the therapy room plans finalized. We can't thank his company LaTour Electric enough! Things are a buzz around our home, and change is in the air. It's an excited time, and we know that this could not have happened without the help of so many people who have given. Josiah sniffs each new person that walks in the door, and he seems to really be enjoying their visits. I don't know if he has any understanding of what is about to happen. But I talk with him a lot about it. And I tell him about all the people who have shown such love and care for him. And I tell him about how much Jesus loves him, and how He is taking care of us all.

Our Pool Party Fundraiser is tomorrow!!! We have officially sold all of our tickets!!! Thank you to all of our friends who have purchased tickets to swim, and thank you to a very special person who reached out and bought all of the tickets we had left to sell. Even though all of our swim tickets are sold, we still need spectators to come and support us! We will have pizza, drinks, and baked goods for sell during the pool party. Please come and purchase something to eat while you enjoy the fellowship! It is going to be a blast!
So come on out to the Maynard Aquatics Center tomorrow (April 1st) from 10am-12pm!

Josiah checking out the markers for his new therapy pool!
I took Josiah to the doctor yesterday afternoon. Have I mentioned how much we love our pediatrician? Dr. Mertz confirmed that the antibiotics don't seem to be working to heal Josiah's ear infection. So we have started a new medication. Today was some better. Please pray with us that this new medication will heal Josiah's ears. Thank you for praying for our boy!

And thank you to everyone who has given to help us reach our goal! Our current total is......  $50,387.49!!!!   Our goal of $60,000 seems so close! As soon as we get there, we can order our Aquashield Enclosure for the pool! All of the pieces are coming together to bring about HUGE changes in Josiah's life! Changes for the better! We can't wait!!!!

Because of His grace,


*The video below was taken in the dark while Josiah and I were having one of our "before bedtime chats." He is precious to me!!!

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