Friday, January 20, 2017

Friday Funding Update:
January 20, 2017

What a week! I like to try and update the website twice, but it just wasn't a possibility this week. We had a specialist appointment with Josiah's gastro doctor on Tuesday. It went well. We feel confident he has Gerd, but there is one other thing that they would like to test him for as well. Diagnosing this would require Josiah to have an endoscopy. Since we know obtaining this testing will be very difficult for Josiah, we have opted to monitor him closely for the next six months. Basically, we are kicking the ball further down the road for the time being to avoid putting him through this now. The doctor agreed that this was a fine approach since the strong likelihood is that we are just dealing with Gerd. We are praying that his current medication continues to do the trick. 

Jalen has not had any seizures since started his medication! And he seems to be adjusted to the meds fairly well. We increase his dosage to the full amount starting today. Please continue to pray that this works for him! 

We got some disappointing news yesterday. Our waiver petition for additional home modifications has been denied. We will have the opportunity to appeal this decision. So I will be busy for the next week or so gathering more supporting documentation and putting together the appeal to present to them. We are praying that they will be willing to "meet us in the middle" and approve Josiah for some of these modifications to ensure his safety. Living in a country where we are given the opportunity to petition for these services and advocate for our special needs children is such a blessing. So, with joy, we return to the grindstone. 

JOY! More than feeling disappointed, I feel JOY! I could have never imagined how fast God would bring in the support needed to complete this project. As of yesterday, we are over two-thirds of the way there! Our current total is $41,019.14!What a blessing and encouragement this is to our family!!! I cannot wait to get started on the first phase of our project! The petition appeal is delaying us getting started, but I am reminding myself every day of how important it is that we do this right. It won't be long! What a JOY!

If you access our website by using your smart phone, you may not see all of the tabs describing the project. You can read all about our plans here: We have some exciting fundraising opportunities on the horizon. Would you consider joining us in our efforts? Perhaps you may not be able to host a fundraiser yourself, but would be willing to help us by doing the leg work for one of our ideas. If so, email me! I would love the help!

Thank you to everyone who is working so hard to help us reach this goal for Josiah! It is truly going to make such a HUGE difference in his life!!!

Because of His Grace,


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