Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Beauty in Suffering

This past Saturday, we had the privilege of attending the 8th Annual BBQ Fundraiser in memory of Seth Christy. Rick and Barbara Christy host this fundraiser each year in memory of their son Seth. They do this as a way of supporting families in need while honoring their son. We were so touched that Josiah was chosen as one of the recipients for the funding they raised this year. Rick and Barbara are the type of people who make you feel welcomed and loved immediately. They had never met us before this past Saturday, but there was such an instant and sweet fellowship that I believe came from the fact that we are all trusting in Jesus. But the other thing I felt and saw is the familiar signs of sorrow and loss that only Heaven can someday wash away. You could tell that God had given them the grace to find beauty and purpose even in the loss of their precious son Seth. But it's still suffering. It's seen in the swipe of a tear and heard in broken voices of a Daddy and Mama who are still bearing up under the heavy weight of their loss. A weight that won't ever fully be lifted until Heaven.

We weren't sure how Josiah would handle attending the event. But Barbara has been following our story, and she so thoughtfully tried to accommodate Josiah's needs. They had a trampoline and golf cart, and the weather was perfect. We were able to stay close to an hour and a half with Josiah only needing one ride about half way through. This may not seem like a long visit, but, for Josiah, it was better than we could have hoped. I came away from the fundraiser with a deep sense of gratitude for the Christy family and for what they are doing with their grief. And, while I never had the privilege of meeting Seth, I learned that he touched a lot of lives during his time here. There were so many friends and family that came together, because they loved Seth. Before the day came for the BBQ, I had looked at Seth's Facebook page, and had scrolled through several of his pictures. I saw that Rick and Barbara's boy had "surfer hair" just like our boy. Josiah had been needing a hair cut. Once it gets too long it starts irritating his ears. But I waited until after the BBQ to cut it. I wanted to share with Barbara this similarity that I noticed in our boys. Barbara told me that Seth loved children. I feel sure Josiah would have loved him too.

I also came away from the Fundraiser with a renewed desire to encourage others through our own suffering. We are praying that the Lord will continue to open avenues of ministry for our family, because of what He has called us to endure. Our prayer is that we too can see the beauty that only God can bring from the trials He has planned for us to endure.

A huge thank you to the entire Christy family! And our continued thanks to everyone who has encouraged us by supporting Josiah.

Because of His grace,

*The video below shows Josiah looking out the window at his therapy pool. The rain has prevented the cement from being poured. Please pray with us that this can be completed soon. Our boy is longing to access the back yard so he can swim. Seeing his joy is such a blessing!

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