Friday, May 19, 2017

Friday Funding Update:
May 19, 2017

Our house is a buzz of activity today! We had a meeting about the tile in the bathroom this morning and a meeting about the cement decking around the pool. The cement guys are here prepping the ground, and the sheetrock folks just showed up. To say that we are excited is an understatement! 

As you know from my last post, my Dad (aka- Papa) and dear friend Ken (aka- Uncle Snugs) walked 10.5 miles from our church to our school this past Monday to raise funding for the fencing needed around the pool. I haven't been able to get an exact total on what they raised, because the funding just keeps coming in! Any donations, beyond what is needed for the fencing, will go directly to the cost of the other construction. We are so grateful to everyone who has given!!! 

Our current total is $70,455.94!!! I realize I probably sound like a broken record, but truly we could have never imagined this! This is so huge for us! 

Last night was a rough night at our house. I woke to the sound of Josiah's head bashing against the floor. As I dove from the mattress onto the floor to try and protect his head, my left calf contorted into a muscle cramp (or as we in the South call it a "charlie horse"). I was restraining Josiah, but completely frozen from the pain of the muscle cramp. I started yelling for Jack, and he came running. We got Josiah calmed down, and he fell back asleep within the hour. But all of the 3am craziness woke Jalen, and by 5am he got out of bed, turned the lights on in the boy's room, and loudly announced, "It's dance party time!" Judah gave up trying to rest any more after that, and Jack just shook his head and rolled over.....again! Leave it to Jalen to provide comic relief in the midst of all the crazy!

We are slowly recovering from being sick. Please continue to pray for Josiah! He is still under the weather and still requesting van rides all day long. The golf cart is helping, but, with Josiah's allergies so bad right now, we are having to limit it to a few rides each day. We are averaging $20-$30 in gas expenses every day. We know that this therapy room and therapy pool are going to be a HUGE help in this area! And we can't wait to get our boy out of the van and into his new therapeutic space!

To everyone who has given, we thank you! God is doing amazing things, and ALL the glory goes to HIM! 

Because of His grace,

Metal plate to hold therapy swing bolt. 

Therapy swing bolt.

Prepping ground for cement.


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