Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Papa and Meemaw

I look at this picture of my parents, brothers, and myself from time to time. It reminds me of how incredibly blessed I am that God gave me the parents that He did. I think I must have been between 2-3 years old at the time this was taken. My parents had no idea then how much their daughter would still depend on them at age 36. And, when people inquire of Jeremy and I how we make it from day to day, our answer always includes how exceptionally blessed we are that my parents are so supportive.

My Mama taught school for 35 years before retiring to come and help me. She now works for the company that provides our support staff. She is only supposed to work morning hours, but most days she stays until afternoon. Her job is only supposed to include child care, but she ALWAYS leaves my home in much better shape than she found it. And she is the official manager of the never ending flow of laundry that we produce. This past December, Mama started homeschooling Jalen for us. He is doing remarkably well and growing in all areas of his development. 

Papa and baby Josiah.

My Daddy picks my kids up for school each morning so that I don't have to load our youngest children up, and he calls often with offers to drive Josiah around town. He has been our handyman more times than I can count, and he constantly looks for tangible ways to ease our burden. When Josiah's insomnia and self injury are really bad, its my Dad that shows up in the wee hours of the morning to drive Josiah around so I can get the other kids ready for school. He and Mama both act as our emergency contacts, and they are called on regularly with some new form of drama. And its not just our kids that they love and support. Dad and Mama have 16 grandchildren, and three of those kids have special needs. They stay busy, but I know it is their joy.

A few nights ago, my parents were at our house helping me with the kids while my brother's company was working on installing the electrical in the breezeway and therapy room. Josiah was struggling greatly and he had a bad meltdown that lasted quite a while. My Dad was helping me stop him from hurting himself. When we have to restrain him, he often lashes out in aggression. This is an aggression that typically happens because he is trying desperately to communicate that he is in pain or overwhelmed. As we wrestled our boy to the mattress on the living room floor, I was so concerned that he would turn his aggression towards my Dad. I know this has happened in the past, and it absolutely breaks my heart to see my baby hurt one of my parents. I kept telling my Dad that I had him, and I kept trying to get him to move back from Josiah so he wouldn't get hurt. My Dad clearly indicated that he wasn't going anywhere and that he didn't want me to get hurt. We got Josiah calmed enough to move him to the van, and my Daddy rode in the back seat to help control Josiah while I drove.

Meemaw holding Josiah's hand
Later that night, I spent time pondering something my Mama has told me several times. She says, "Christy, you have to remember that Josiah is our grandson, and so we hurt deeply when he is self injurious and aggressive. But remember that YOU are OUR baby. And we hurt when we see you enduring this and getting hurt." It's something I have to remind myself of often. I'm their baby still. As much as Josiah will require lifelong care, I very much have required life long care from my parents. I pray that I will be as faithful, loving and patient caring for my children as my parents have been to me. They are truly the best Dad and Mama and Papa and Meemaw we could have ever asked for. 

Considering all I have written above, it won't surprise you to hear that my Daddy is planning a fundraiser of his own for Josiah. He is trying to raise the money needed to cover the expense of the fencing we need to block the pool off from the rest of our yard. When we budgeted for our Support Josiah fundraiser, we didn't realize at the time that this stretch of fencing would be needed. So Josiah's Papa is trying to raise the funds needed to cover this unexpected expense. My Daddy has been a Coach my entire life. He coached girl's basketball for several years, but he is most well known for the many many years he has coached both girl's and boy's soccer. He is asking all of his former players to help him raise the funding by donating at least $10 to the Support Josiah Fund at Beacon Baptist Church. Once the funds are raised, he is committing to walk from Beacon to the school where he coaches. That is a 10 plus mile walk! He is such a good Papa! 

If you would like to make a donation to my Dad's fundraiser for Josiah, please follow the steps found here: http://www.supportjosiah.com/p/faqs.html. And it would help us know when we have reached our goal for the fence funding if you would email us at christyverroi@gmail.com! Thanks!

Because of HIS grace, 

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